Sunday, January 8, 2012

Cinnamon Apple Chips

I've been craving some healthy snacks that are better than carrot sticks.  I've had a dehydrator sitting idle for a couple years so it was time to dust it off and make good use of it and what better way then something so easy to make.  You can also make these in the oven on a low heat.

Cinnamon Apple Chips

3 apples, I used Fuji
2 cups cold water
2 tbsp lemon juice
Cinnamon to dust, I used Ceylon Cinnamon

Slice your apples, I used a mandoline for even slices.  Cut down to the seeds, turn apple over and cut the opposite side and then cut the edges for rectangular chips.  Put into a bowl of cold water and lemon juice. When ready to dry, gently pat the slices dry, dust with cinnamon and put in single layers in your dehydrator and run for 12 hours or on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper in a 200°F oven for an hour.

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